How to change the difficulty level
There are four difficulty modes in Iron Marines Invasion: Casual, Normal, Veteran, and Impossible (which is unlocked after completing the campaign in any di...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 10:13 AM
How to change image resolution
There are three different Image Quality settings you can choose from: Low, Medium, and High.  We recommend the Low image resolution setting for devices und...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 10:14 AM
What is the Holodeck
The Holodeck allows for easy navigation of all the campaign stages allowing you to see more information, replay them at different difficulty settings, get a...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 10:26 AM
Iron Marines Invasion achievements
How to see your current achievements From the Map, go to the Achievements menu tapping on the badge on the far right.  You can redeem credits or...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 10:26 AM
How to delete a slot's progress
There are three different save slots in Iron Marines Invasion. You can delete your progress in any one of them, but your Heroes, Items, and Credits will rem...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 10:27 AM
How to change the language settings
There are 12 different language settings to choose from in Iron Marines Invasion: English, Italian, Portuguese, German, Indonesian, Spanish, Russian, French...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 10:27 AM
What is the Arsenal
The Arsenal has several useful items that will help you aid you during your mission.  You can get more items for your Arsenal by using your credits.  How...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 10:27 AM
How to access the encyclopedia
The in-game Database is a collection of information about common game elements.  It is accessible via the map screen in the bottom left corner. To find t...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 10:27 AM
How to change text speed
There are three different text speed settings in Iron Marines Invasion: slow, normal, and fast. If you feel the cutscene text is not working for you, you ca...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 10:27 AM
How to change squads
You can select 3 squads to follow you to your mission, out of a total of 8 teams: Commandos, Scoundrels, Frognauts, Mechas, Fellhood, Ascendii, Cathros, and...
Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 10:27 AM